Virtual Machines for the Security Labs

This page documents virtual machines that I have prepared for students in my class to use to complete the labs.

Setting up your virtual lab

I have created a Kali virtual machine image on Google Cloud Platform which is using nested virtualization to host within it several virtual machines: a Windows instance, a Metasploitable2 instance, and a security onion instance. They are hosted using kvm and libvirt and accessed using virt-manager.

Read these instructions to get oriented to and set up on Google Cloud Platform, and to get access to the Kali virtual machine. Anyone should be able to see and use the custom class kali image if they join this Google Group (public access):

infosec-net Network Map

The network map is as follows:

IP Address Machine Login Password Notes Kali (the host) root toor Windows VM Labuser Passw0rd! This VM is memory-intensive! Will probably freeze and not launch if your GCP instance doesn't have at least 8 GB memory. Metasploitable2 VM msfadmin msfadmin Security Onion VM securityonion Password1 This VM is memory-intensive!

IPv4 network block in CIDR block notation:

Using the virtual machines within Kali

  1. The virtual machines are accessed using virt-manager. First, you should make sure that your user account is a member of the libvirt group.

    sudo usermod -a -G libvirt $(whoami)
    Heads up! This will need to be run each time you create a new Kali instance.

    Alternatively, log in as root (password toor):

    su root
  2. Then, from a terminal, run virt-manager to get an interface such as the following:

    virt manager all off.PNG

    This shows that three virtual machines are available, but that none are running.

    Virt Manager interface shows no vms?

    In the virt-manager interface, try running:

    • File
    • Add Connection...
    • Connect (accept defaults)

Starting and accessing virtual machines

  1. Start a virtual machine by selecting it, and pressing the “play” icon. The virtual machine should then update to show that it is running.

    virt manager running.PNG
  2. To view the running virtual machine, highlight it and click “Open”. A new window will appear.

    virt manager running open

    You can click into this window and interact with it via keyboard, and mouse if it has a GUI.

    virt manager running open interact
  3. Details of a virtual machine can be viewed and edited from the “details” pane.

    virt manager running open details
  4. A network is set up to enable the host (Kali) and the guests (e.g., Metasploitable2, Windows 7) to network with one another. Try pinging metasploitable2 from Kali, and Kali from metasploitable2, using the network map ip addresses above.

    virt manager running ping

Updating the virtual machines

The following scripts will update the respective lab virtual machines installed on the kali pentest lab image.

Update SecurityOnion

To update Security Onion, run the following:

wget -O - | sudo bash

Update Windows Server 2019

To update Windows Server 2019, run the following:

wget -O - | sudo bash

Update Metasploitable2

To update Metasploitable2, run the following:

wget -O - | sudo bash

Using snapshots

Virtual machines in virt-manager can be “snapshotted”, which lets you restore the virtual machine to a previous state if you mess it up by doing something such as deploying malware to it.

Creating a snapshot

To create a snapshot, first, shut down the virtual machine. Then, click the “snapshot” button on the virtual machine pane, then +, then set a name, and “Finish.”

virt manager snapshots.PNG

Restoring a snapshot

To restore to a snapshot, select your snapshot, and then “play” it. You do not need to shut down the virtual machine before restoring a snapshot.

virt manager snapshot restore.PNG

How I created the virtual machines

If you are curious how the lab was set up, then browse this github repository.

Extra VMs and apps

De-ICE VulnHub

A fun hack-the-box challenge. From,8/.

See deargle/lab-de-ice-s1-100 for instructions.



WebGoat is a deliberately insecure web application maintained by OWASP designed to teach web application security lessons.

The easiest way to run WebGoat is to run it as a Docker container:

docker run -it -p -p -p webgoat/webgoat:v2023.8

DVWA directly on Kali

There is already an older version of a DVWA server running on the metasploitable2 VM bundled with Kali, but the below instructions will run the latest DVWA directly on Kali as a containerized process and not in a virtual machine.

$ mkdir DVWA && cd DVWA
$ cat << "EOF" > compose.yml


    build: .
    # Change `always` to `build` to build from local source
    pull_policy: always
      - DB_SERVER=db
      - db
      - dvwa
    restart: unless-stopped

      - MYSQL_DATABASE=dvwa
      - MYSQL_USER=dvwa
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=p@ssw0rd
      - dvwa:/var/lib/mysql
      - dvwa
    restart: unless-stopped

$ sudo docker compose up -d
$ # now visit localhost:4280 in a kali web browser to access DVWA. Default username:password is admin:password

If you copy-paste everything above into a shell in Kali, DVWA should be accessible from Kali. It does the following:

  1. First, from whatever starting directory, makes directory DVWA and cds into it
  2. Then, creates a file called compose.yml, which specifies a group of docker containers for dvwa: one called dvwa, and another called db. These will be on their own virtual docker network namespace, isolated from other docker containers that might be running on kali. The compose.yml file is exactly the same as the one in the dvwa gitub repo, except I pinned the dvwa image to tag 1232568 (which was the most recent tag at time of writing) instead of the ‘latest’ tag, which can migrate and potentially break things unexpectedly, which is Bad Business for teaching.
  3. The last command, docker compose up -d, starts the containers. The dvwa web application interface will be accessible from Kali at

    Note that because of the restart:unless-stopped configuration, the docker daemon will always run this container, even after a reboot, until the user runs sudo docker compose down from within the DVWA directory.