
This page is the storefront for

Lab virtual machine access package -- $50 for Academic year 22/23

To gain access to the lab virtual machines, do the following:

  1. Sign up for an account on GCP using an address.*
  2. Enter your GCP address on this page, and click "Continue."
  3. Submit payment for the lab virtual machine access package.
  4. Within a few minutes, you should receive notification to your gcp email address (not your paypal email address) that the gcp email address has been added to the [email protected] group, giving it access to the lab virtual machines.

If you later want to change your GCP email associated with your purchase, [email protected] Non-transferrable to different persons -- just transferrable within google accounts that belong to you.

* If you have a [email protected] email address that you are certain will work on GCP, contact [email protected].

The email address that you will use with GCP.
Please provide a valid email address.

If you need support, contact [email protected]